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Safe and Sound protocol


We use modified sound frequencies to stimulate the part of the nervous system that manages your ability to relax

The SSP is a powerful intervention that can help with a wide range of concerns.  Originally used with clients with Autism Spectrum Disorder, it became clear that the impact of the intervention could also help with areas where the nervous system is held in an activated state.  We are seeing quick shifts for people with anxiety and panic, sleep concerns, digestive issues, trauma and attachment concerns related to struggles with social relationships and safety.  

The SSP was developed over 20 years of research by Dr. Stephen Porges, originator of the Polyvagal theory. The system is an acoustic vagus nerve stimulator that uses modified sound frequencies to stimulate the muscles in the middle ear where they meet the vagus nerve, which is the part of the nervous system that manages our relaxation and ‘rest and digest’, and can help to improve the social engagement system that allows for improved sense of safety and communication.

We suggest that using the SSP should be a part of a larger program that may include other services such as Counselling, Neurofeedback, HRV training.  Please discuss your treatment plan in your first session.

Delivery of the Safe and Sound Protocol includes: 

  • Use of the remote Unyte App, which we set up for you to use with your Android or IOS device and your own headphones.  
  • A full Intake/Orientation process and guided service delivery protocol that is Polyvagal informed. 

Experience the Transformative Power of the Safe and Sound Protocol

A groundbreaking approach to calm the nervous system, enhance safety, and improve social engagement.